Department of Defense awards DxDiscovery/University of South Alabama $1M Phase II SBIR

DxDiscovery is continuing efforts to develop medical countermeasures against melioidosis and glanders. These diseases are caused by Burkholderia pseudomallei and Burkholderia mallei, respectively. B. mallei infections are rare, however, B. pseudoamallei infections are a significant cause of morbidity and mortality in southeast Asia.

The Phase II SBIR from the Department of Defense Chemical and Biological Defense Program will provide funding to develop high-affinity monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) against Burkholderia surface exposed polysaccharides. It is anticipated that the mAbs to be developed during Phase II will provide a novel means of prophylaxis and/or therapy to protect the warfighter against these potential agents of biological warfare and terrorism.

This work continues a long-standing collaboration between Dr. Mark Hubbard and Dr. David AuCoin at DxDiscovery, and Dr. Mary Burtnick and Dr. Paul Brett at the University of South Alabama. Drs. Burtnick and Brett bring to the project expertise in areas relating to Burkholderia pathogenesis, glycobiology and vaccine development.